

Precious Profile
Date Added: 29 January 2025
Status: Reserved pending home check
Age: 11 years old
Breed: Domestic Long Hair
Gender: Female
Colour: White & Black
Can I live with dogs? No
Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Can I live with children? No
Can I live with cats? Yes, I have lived with another cat in the past

A Little Bit About Me

Precious, by name, and by nature!


Precious is a lovely older girl who came to us through no fault of her own following a change in her family’s circumstances. Her original owner found Precious as a stray living on the street, where she had been subjected to cruelty and had had her claws pulled out. She was also heavily pregnant and unable to hunt for food when she was found. The family took great care of Precious and she responded well, became a happy cat and enjoyed playing games. Sadly, 5 years later, it was necessary for her owners to find Precious a new home. She has now been with one of our lovely fosterers since she was surrendered.


With lots of love to give, Precious is absolutely no trouble at all. She loves visitors and is quite nosy, so she is not shy around new people at all. When Precious first went into her foster home she found a safe spot to hide, but once shown where the litter tray and food was, she was fine. She then took some time to start exploring her new house.


This is what her fosterer has said about Precious:


When she comes out of her shell, the longer you have her, the more her personality comes out.


Although Precious is 11 years old, she does not act this age – she loves to play! Show her a toy, or a rope toy, and she is straight on it.


She loves to ‘make biscuits’ on you, so spends most of the day/night either in her bed, or on the sofa with you.


Precious loves to be stroked, and there are no ‘no-go’ areas. She actually loves her belly being stroked, unlike many other cats. She can be touched anywhere, she is just a little skittish about her eyes, as she does have black marks under her eyes, which need cleaning regularly, but if you stroke her in the right way, she doesn’t notice you are doing it.


She is good with you touching her feet too, and is used to having her claws clipped regularly to prevent them from growing into her pads.


Precious will only eat Whiskas dry food. Any flavour. Sometimes she will eat the small tins of wet food, like Sheba, and mousse types, and tins of tuna, but she will only eat a small amount of it, so she has 1 Licky Lix a day too (or ALDI’s own brand is good too!)


Precious is litter tray trained, and has no issues using her tray. There are also no issues regarding scratching of furniture as she loves her scratch post!


For a cat that has been through a lot of abuse and neglect, and living on the streets, she is so very loving and will make great company for a single person, even better a couple, so she has a bit more going on. She has never lived with children.


Due to past abuse and neglect, Precious had a burst blood vessel in her ear, which has caused one ear to droop, however this just adds to her charm. She also has hardly any voice. She does talk to you, and makes noises when she plays, but it’s just a few squeaks!


Precious was badly matted when she came to me, but she actually loves to be brushed, so keeping her matt-free will be no problem as, if you pick her brush up, she will come running to you to be brushed, and will purr away. She also came to me with a bad ear infection and with cat flu, so just keep an eye on her, and try to keep her ears clean, but she is not too happy with her ears being touched.


You will love to have Precious, and she will love you too, in her golden years.



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